Alchemy Mindworks Animation Workshop v2.0a19 英文正式版(創建專業的橫幅,廣告和其他商業動畫的軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Animation Workshop是一款在很短的時間內創建專業的橫幅,廣告和
Build professional banners, advertisements and other commercial
animations in minutes, with an impressively short learning curve.
Animation Workshop handles the elements of its animations as
objects, eliminating the need to understand how animation files
are structured.
Animation Workshop will assemble your animations from still images,
text and other animations. It brings an inexhaustible library of
graphic effects to the table. It maintains its text as editable
text objects, rather than graphics, the text content of your
animations will be editable after they're created.
Export Animation Workshop's animations to GIF, MNG, AVI, MOV and
Alchemy Mindworks Animation Workshop v2.0a26英文正式版(橫幅廣告製作軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Animation Workshop v2.0a20 英文正式版(商業動畫的軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Animation Workshop v2.0a25 英文正式版(廣告動畫製作軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Animation Workshop v2.0a21 英文正式版(創建專業橫幅的軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Animation Workshop v2.0a23 英文正式版(橫幅廣告製作軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Screen Saver Construction Set v2.0a44 英文正式版(製作多媒體Windows屏保軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks GIF Construction Set Professional v3.0a33 英文正式版(GIF動畫圖示製作軟體)